Studies on Electroactivity, Conductivity and Solubility of 2-Anilinoethanol Homopolymer and its Aniline Copolymers Using Oxidation andElectrochemical Methods

Document Type : Research Paper



Copolymerization of aniline and 2-anilinoethanol was carried out by electrochemical and chemical polymerization. Homo and copolymer thin films were synthesized electrochemically, under cyclic voltammetric conditions in aqueous solutions of sulfuric acid as electrolyte at room temperature. The films were deposited on the surface of working electrode [Glassy Carbon ()GC)(] versus Ag/AgCl electrode in solution containing 0.1 M mixture of monomers and 1M H2SO4 as electrolyte by applying sequential linear potential scan rate of 25 mV/s between -0.1 to 0.9 V. The cyclic voltammograms CVs)( of obtained copolymer illustrate the formation of copolymer. The homo- and copolymers of aniline ()ANI)( and 2-anilinoethanol 2-ANE)( with different feed ratios of monomers were prepared in 1M H2SO4 in presence of ammonium persulfate [()NH4)(2S2O8] as an oxidant. FTIR spectroscopy and conductivity measurement using four-probe technique were applied for the characterization of the products. The solubility of copolymers was tested in various organic solvents.
