Residual Stresses in Thermoplastic Composites: A Review

Document Type : Research Paper



Applications of thermoplastic composites have developed extensively. The thermoplastic composites in comparison with the thermoset composites have many advantages. Thermoplastic composites can be melted and remolded many times. The duration of manufacturing process of these composites is short, producing very tough material, and the welding ability and multiple recyclings are their further advantages. The lack of knowledge in this group of composites is the main obstacle in their development. In this review the research works in the field of residual stresses in thermoplastic composites is presented. First, a literature survey on the available research on residual stresses on thermoplastics and thermoplastic composites reinforced with short fibers is compiled. Moreover a review on the available research on residual stresses on thermoplastic composites reinforced with long fibers is presented as well. The effects of the residual stresses on these composites are discussed. Experimental techniques for the measurement of residual stresses in thermoplastic composites and the methods for reducing the existing residual stresses are studied.
